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The FDA Warns About The Side Effects Of Benicar

August 30, 2014 | Category: | Share

Millions of people deal with issues related to high blood pressure/hypertension on a routine basis. Some individuals are able to control their blood pressure by changing their diets and making other lifestyle changes, while others need the assistance of certain medications. One such medication is Olmesartan, which is marketed as Benicar, Benicar HCT, Tribenzor, Azor and generics. While it is true that the drug definitely has its benefits, many Fort Myers personal injury attorneys like Randall Spivey and others will tell you that Benicar can also cause a number of side effects that can ultimately lead to serious health issues.

The Potential Problems

Among the most significant issues noted has been the serious gastrointestinal problems that many individuals have experienced after taking Benicar, to include chronic diarrhea, substantial weight loss and malnutrition. More specifically, the Food and Drug Administration warned that the drug can cause "sprue-like enteropathy," which is a disease that has symptoms that are much like Celiac disease, as well as villous atrophy, which causes problems with respect to the small intestines and their ability to take in nutrients.

In fact, physicians might actually misdiagnose the conditions mentioned above as Celiac disease due to the similarities among the disorders; however, as some Fort Myers personal injury attorneys know, individuals who take Benicar and suffer from sprue-like enteropathy might not notice any symptoms until years after taking the drug.

The FDA's Findings

A safety alert regarding Benicar was issued by the FDA in July of 2013 after a review of information and data submitted in 2012 by the Mayo Clinic. From that data, the FDA found that several former Benicar users reported severe diarrhea, weight loss and some even developed serious intestinal damage after taking the drug. In its warning, the FDA stated that, "the FDA's evaluation found clear evidence of an association between Olmesartan and sprue-like enteropathy. If patients taking Olmesartan develop these symptoms and no other cause is found, the drug should be discontinued and therapy with another antihypertensive started."

Other Studies

Other researchers have found that Benicar has other side effects, such as villous atrophy, or damage to the intestine walls. As a matter of fact, in May of 2013, the American Journal of Gastroenterology released a study that showed that individuals who used Benicar and tested negative for Celiac actually had villous atrophy, and once those patients ceased using Benicar, they were able to once again gain weight and their symptoms were lessened.

Cardiovascular Risks for Diabetics

The FDA recently performed a safety review after a clinical trial looked at the effects of Olmesartan in individuals who have Type II diabetes in order to determine whether or not the drug could postpone kidney damage. However, the trial unexpectedly revealed a finding of an increased risk of cardiovascular issues in those who took the drug.

The FDA conducted its review, but found that there was no clear-cut proof of increased cardiovascular risks related to the diabetic patients' use of Olmesartan, and the Administration has noted that the benefits of the drug in patients suffering from high blood pressure still outweigh the possible risks that may exist.

The side effects of Benicar can be quite serious and can substantially impact a person's health for years. If you or a loved one has suffered damage from Olmesartan/Benicar, or you would like more information about the drug, contact the Fort Myers personal injury attorneys at the Spivey Law Firm, Personal Injury Attorneys, P.A. for more details.

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